Sara Ojjeh, Founder

Sara is a dedicated philanthropist with special interests in international development, global health and education, and human rights. She is a DONA trained doula and is a strong advocate for maternal health and birthrights. Prior to receiving her Master’s in Fundraising and Grantmaking at New York University, Sara built Michael Kors’ corporate social responsibility platform including a successful partnership with the World Food Programme and the “Watch Hunger Stop” campaign.


In 2013, Sara joined Maverick Collective, a groundbreaking philanthropic and advocacy initiative to transform the lives of girls and women around the world, co-chaired by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess of Norway Mette-Marit and Melinda Gates.  She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). 

Lana Ojjeh Lette, Co-Founder 

With over 10 years experience as a private donor, Lana received her Master’s in Non-Governmental Organizations and Development from the London School of Economics in 2010 and went on to work at the Children's Investment Fund Foundation. There, she took on an advocacy role, working with governments and large NGOs worldwide to fund and scale up proven impactful initiatives. As a mother of two, she is passionate about equal access to healthcare and education on a global scale, with a particular emphasis on women and children. 

Lia Ojjeh Martin, Co-Founder

After earning her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Lia worked as an aid to the French Ambassador in London prior to seeking out more creative ways to address problem solving on a global scale.  In 2015, Lia completed her Master’s in the Teaching of Social Studies at Columbia University with the intention of using education as the main platform for effective social engagement.  Focusing on the next generation and the power for change that it holds, Lia draws from her experiences as an educator, private donor and volunteer when identifying and addressing social issues at various levels.